The weather

viernes, 28 de septiembre de 2018

Stars wars programming

Good morning
Today I am going to present you an entretaining exercise to learn programming with code star wars.
my personal opinion is that is a very fun way to learn.

When you serch for the website this appears:

lunes, 24 de septiembre de 2018

Text to speech app

Good morning,
Today i present to you the development of an app that allows us to write or paste a text in a text box and reproduce it aloud.
We have used an online programApp inventor to develop our app
For the design we use:

  • A label.
  • A text box.
  • A button.
As mobile resources contained these:

  • The TextToSpeech engine.
  • Accelerometer sensor.
The design screen will be:

The blocks are these:

My blog

Hi i am Laura.
this is my technology blog.
here i am going to put my app, videogames...

Final project

Hi! Today I show you my last project. I have developed it with scratch. In this year, we have learnt: Development of Applications for m...