The weather

lunes, 18 de febrero de 2019

Control of a servomotor with a potentiometer (variable resistance by turning it).

Good morning,

Today we show you how to control a servo motor from left to right by turning a potentiometer (variable resistance), left or right.

The signal from the potentiometer reaches the Arduino via input A0 (input pin A0).

The Arduino is programmed to rotate the servo by sending the signal through the output (output 0).

Here we have the base to control a turn of a steering wheel... For example of a lunar vehicle!

Click to see the circuit

viernes, 15 de febrero de 2019

Rover for Mars or the Moon

As a second practice with Tikercad design, today we present the 3D design of a rover vehicle based on a cube :

Click to see the design

Four images of the design from different points of view:

viernes, 8 de febrero de 2019

Principles of electricity-Ohm's Law

Voltage: It is "the force" with which the positive pole attracts electrons from the negative pole.  It is measured in volts. For example, a single battery has 1.5 V, a flask battery has 2.5 V and a rectangular battery has 9V.

Intensity: It is the flow of electrons that crosses a section of the conduits. It is measured in amperes. 1 Ampere is 1 Coulomb/second, where 1 Coulomb is a package of 6.25x10^18 electrons.

Resistance: They are elements that interrupt more (1 MOhm) or less (1 Ohm) the electric current.
The relationship between these concepts is given by Ohm's Law:

I= V/R

For the example on the left/up:
  • V= 9 volts
  • R=1000 Ohms
  • I= V/R = 9/1000 = 0.009A = 9 mA

For the example on the right/down:
  • V= 9 volts
  • R=100 Ohms
  • I= V/R = 9/100 = 0,09A = 90 mA

The results are slightly lower due to losses in contacts and cables.

lunes, 4 de febrero de 2019

Circuit with a photorresistor sensor


Today we have made a circuit in which we could control the flow of electrons with a photorresistor sensor.

Click here to see the circuit

Programming a traffic-light with arduino

Good morning.

Today we have made a traffic-light with arduino.


  • 3 LEDS
  • 220 Ohms Resistor
  • Wires
  • Arduino
  • Breadboard

First the green LED will light up, then the yellow LED and finally the red LED, the process will be repeated indefinitely.

viernes, 1 de febrero de 2019

First microcontroller program - Blinker


Today I present you the first program with the Arundino microcontroller.
For this practice we used:

  1. LED diode
  2. Cables
  3. A resistance of 220 Ohms. (Not to burn the LED)
  4. An Arduino microcontroller.


  1. We connect the positive of the LED to the 0 port of the Arduino.
  2. Connect the negative of the LED to the resistor.
  3. Finally the resistance to the GND port of the Arduino.
  4. We program by blocks so that the positive in the zero port opens 1 second, then closes 1 second, the program will be repeated infinitely, so the LED will be flashing.

Final project

Hi! Today I show you my last project. I have developed it with scratch. In this year, we have learnt: Development of Applications for m...